2025 State Career Development Conference (CDC)

This year our event will take place at The University of Delaware, Trabant Center, Newark, DE.
Over Two Days we will host more than 300 students at the conference, leaders, colleges, and more!
Day One: January 29
Day Two: January 30

We use an online portal for our judges to record their comments and scores for our students as they compete. e thank you for your time, continued support, and the opportunities you provide for our Delaware DECA Members.

Use the buttons below to Access Important resources and the judging portal.

SAMPLE VIDEOS: Competitive Events Overview Video (national experience and in-person event)

This video provides an overview of DECA’s competitive events program in action at a recent International Career Development Conference. You will see members preparing for events, see the judging booths, and hear from judges and members about their experiences.

Sample Role-Play Video

This sample scenario is used in the above role-play. In the role-play events, participants are given a written scenario to review and develop a solution to present to you as the judge in a role-play situation.

Sample Written Event Presentation Video


Click on the event below to see sample event packets for DECA’s competitive events.